We are a political junkies in our household. We like to watch election results in our household. From the first returns to the last, we like to see how the vote is going and what trends are emerging. Election night is usually a do not disturb night in our household.
There are some things we don't like. In recent elections, it has been a pattern to hire party insiders to comment on the results as they come in. By the end of the evening, one of these party insiders emerges as the smug winner- see I told you we were right. One party insider will be disappointed. Another party insider will emerge as the breakthrough candidate. In Canada, these insiders at least seem civil to one another. In the US elections these party insiders are in no way civil to one another. They constantly snipe, tear down, and belittle their opponents- fighting the election campaign that has just been fought or setting up the campaign for next time.
Another thing we don't like is the endless election ads. This year because of the television stations that we receive, we have been able to see election ads from Washington, California, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey and Georgia. Most of the ads have been negative. They paint stories, both true and false, about how the other candidate is evil, incompetent, untrustworthy, or corrupt. Very few ads contain information about what the candidate believes or how they will govern. Almost all of them point fingers and say things like we are better than the other guy.
These ads have been part of our television screens for months now. Constantly we are being told to not trust one side and then another ad comes on which says we can't trust the other side. It leaves me all a bit cold. I know there is a good chance that the election won't be decided on Tuesday (I expect legal challenges, constitutional debates, etc.) but at least the barrage of attack ads will be done. But for once, I would like a politician to say, "You know, not all of my opponents ideas are wrong. They make some good points. Maybe we can put away our partisanship and work together for the good of the people." Maybe if politicians were able to do this, all countries might see a dramatic turnaround where governments would actually work for the people and not worry about getting re-elected. Just think what a more halcyon world we could live in. Blessings.